Workout Wednesday: Kettle Bell Swings

Written by on October 4, 2017

First, find a kettle bell with a weight you’re comfortable with. Keep your feet hip distance apart and place the kettle bell between your feet. Then, squat down (putting the weight in your heels) grab the kettle bell (palms facing toward your body) and swing the bell up (keeping your arms straight) to chest height. At standing tense your core clench your glutes and hinge your hips forward. Avoid shrugging your shoulders, keep them relaxed. When you come back down control the kettle bell and gently swing it back down between your legs and repeat.

I usually do 3 sets of 20 with 30 seconds of rest in between.

You can also try this with one arm at a time.

If you try this workout, post a video on IG or Facebook and tag us or use #WDKXFitness !

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