
The Rochester community is remembering a beloved educator and pioneer who dedicated her life to helping others. Iris Banister, known as the “Queen Mother,” recently died at the age of 77. Her legacy of services spans decades, including more than 30 years in Rochester city schools. She also held a variety of other important positions […]

I think we all or at least most of us can agree we are living in a very challenging time. I’m not talking about just financial it is spiritual, mental, emotional, and even physical. Even our belief systems have been challenged. The reason I bring this up is that we really have to pay attention […]

I think we all or at least most of us can agree we are living in a very challenging time. I’m not talking about just financial it’s spiritual, mental, emotional, and even physical. Even our belief systems have been challenged. The reason I bring this up is that we really have to pay attention to […]

What do you believe about yourself? Take a minute or a few to think about what you believe about yourself. Actually, write it down if you have a journal (if you don’t I suggest you get one or download a journal app on your phone) no matter if it’s good or bad. If you have […]

Two weeks ago, federal law enforcement agencies gathered in Rochester, NY to announce the newly formed VIPER Task Force and it’s 60-day initiative to curb gun violence in Western New York. It seems like it’s working. At the time of this writing, Rochester is celebrating it’s 9th day of peace. Meaning we’ve gone nine consecutive […]

Forgiveness is a huge part of you not only taking care of yourself, but it’s a part of your well-being. It’s actually essential. When you forgive you let go and release all of those negative feelings and emotions you have bottled up inside. And I’m not just talking about forgiving other people, I’m talking about […]

Practice giving thanks every day! That is one thing we can take from Thanksgiving 2020. This year has been challenging for everyone without a doubt. With that said one thing we can learn and take with us from this year is be thankful each day we are given. Also, take good care of ourselves is […]

Kicking off your week with some positive vibrations! Make sure you surround yourself with good people. People who lift you up and do not make you feel like you are not enough. People who make it easy for you to communicate with them and who create a positive environment for you to thrive. Meaning they […]

Thank you to all of the protesters who peacefully organized and demonstrated Saturday. The love was in abundance, I applaud you for creating something so beautiful to show the world that WE matter! Black Lives Matter. We are tired of dying at the hands of the police, we are tired of dying because of racism, […]

I try to learn as much as possible in life. I’m not perfect and yes, I have made a lot of mistakes through life. I’m not afraid to admit that I will continue to make mistakes and that’s how I will continue to learn. Not only learn but, have a better understanding of how to […]

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