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Kicking off your week with some positive vibrations! Make sure you surround yourself with good people. People who lift you up and do not make you feel like you are not enough. People who make it easy for you to communicate with them and who create a positive environment for you to thrive. Meaning they […]

What do you want to do in life? Have you thought about where you want to be or what you want to do lately? Even if you already have a career that you love (or not) you can still reimagine your life to take it from good to incredible. Just because you are where you […]

What or who has helped you get through the difficult moments during the coronavirus pandemic? For instance, it could either be singing, writing, prayer, a friend, your fur baby, or all of the above. What kept you going and your spirits up? Let us know by calling and leaving your comment or texting it 678-1039. […]

This moment in time we are currently in with the coronavirus pandemic has taught me a lot about myself.. Especially, being alone with my thoughts so now I’m forced to deal with me. Now don’t get me wrong, I took time out to be alone with my thoughts and myself prior to this pandemic. Self […]

Right now there is a lot going on and a lot we don’t know. COVID-19 has disrupted and changed the way we live for the moment but it has also changed the world. We will not be the same when we get to the other side. That necessarily is not a bad thing. Yes, we […]

I try to learn as much as possible in life. I’m not perfect and yes, I have made a lot of mistakes through life. I’m not afraid to admit that I will continue to make mistakes and that’s how I will continue to learn. Not only learn but, have a better understanding of how to […]

I came across a story about a Valentine’s Day date from hell. Reports say that a California man was arrested after being busted for identity theft during his date. A unidentified woman was caught up in the middle of an arrest, after a man she met on an online dating website took her out on […]

Valentine’s Day is coming up and a lot of women love to get candy flowers and jewelry. Well a law office in Tennessee is offering something much way more expensive. The law offices of W. Scott Kimberly is holding a contest and the winner selected will win a free divorce representation in court.  We all […]

How was your year? Did you accomplish everything you set out to do in 2019? If you didn’t that is okay you still have some time and you can reevaluate what you did or did not do in 2019 to create a better plan. You could even scrap the goal itself and start a new […]

MTV’s hit show Catfish is going in a new direction. The show currently deals with online dating and people who create fake accounts to attract someone drawing them into their web of lies all in the name of love. 

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