
Page: 146

Made it to another month.  Happy May Day.  I thought it was International Workers Day and some May pole pagan stuff until I found this site https://www.checkiday.com/  (there is a tuba day and mother goose day, ohh no pants day too, guess that is every day while stay at home continues )

Facebook is stepping up in a huge way to help the graduating class of 2020. On May 15th Facebook will broadcast #Graduation2020 which will include Oprah Winfrey!! Yes! Oprah will give the commencement speech during the #Graduation2020: Facebook and Instagram Celebrate The Class of 2020 ceremony. There will be a musical performance by Miley Cyrus […]

In the past, litter awareness campaigns usually talked about people littering with candy and fast food wrappers, cans and bottles, cigarette butts or plastic bags. Since more people have started to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) in public, a new waste disposal problem has emerged in parking lots and other places around the country. Mark […]

Those who file will not have to call the Department of Labor, they can complete the application online by visiting unemployment.labor.ny.gov. If you cannot complete your application online or have any questions, call (888) 209-8124. The Pandemic Unemployment Assistance applies to the following individuals: Self-employed New Yorkers; Independent contractors; New Yorkers who worked for an app-based […]

This is how you do a cya bye bye letter in less than 1oo words.  Written to: President White, Vice-President Elliott, and Commissioners, It is with a heavy heart that I provide you notice of my resignation, as required by my contract (i.e. 90 days’ notice), effective July 23, 2020.  I just  accepted another position […]

There is a silver lining to the COVID-19 cloud – literally. According to recent satellite data from NASA, air pollution has declined significantly across the northeastern U.S. and many other parts of the world. Atmospheric levels of nitrogen dioxide pollution caused by electricity production, and car and truck emissions, have dropped by almost 30% compared […]

Read this:  https://www.studyfinds.org/regular-exercise-can-protect-against-deadly-coronavirus-complications-study-says/ Dr. Zhen Yan: “We cannot live in isolation forever. Regular exercise has far more health benefits than we know. The protection against this severe respiratory disease condition is just one of the many examples.”

census document form and ball point ink pen on American flag for 2020

On Tuesday, April 14, organizers of the San Francisco Pride announced that the COVID-19 pandemic and associated social distancing forced them to cancel the 50th Anniversary SF Pride that had the theme Generations of Hope. Although organizers initially hoped to merely suspend the event until later this year, there is still so much unknown about […]


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