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Monroe County is beginning to reopen with phase 1 but we still must practice social distancing. It is very important to continue to protect ourselves and our loved ones by wearing a mask or face covering. Along with masks we still must practice social distancing and wash our hands. We have done a god job […]
Trillium Health has announced that it has set up a SARS-CoV-2 testing site designed specifically for walk-in patients. People who haven’t made an appointment can receive COVID-19 testing services between 9 a.m and 4 p.m. EDT in a white tent in the parking lot at the southeast side of Trillium Health’s downtown Rochester facility at […]
Many Rochester residents who receive benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program already had difficulty stretching money every month for groceries prior to the current crisis. As the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic continues, food scarcity and higher grocery store prices across the nation have started to make it even more difficult for SNAP/EBT cardholders to acquire healthy, […]
What happens when Jay-Z and Meek Mill, team up with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey during a pandemic? Answer? $10 million toward the COVID-19 relief in U.S. prisons. Reform Alliance is a non-profit. Co-founded by Jay-Z, Meek Mill and Michael Rubin. The organization is delivering 10 million PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) to facilities across the country. […]
Monroe County received funding from a CARES Act program to help officials distribute over a million masks to area residents. Any resident of Monroe County can receive a free face mask between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Saturday, May 9, and Wednesday, May 13, at the following locations: – Brighton: 2300 Elmwood Avenue (Town […]
As previously reported, the pandemic has adversely impacted members of the Black community at a disproportionately higher level than any other community. Yet, there hasn’t been enough data to fully study the impact until recently. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention previously released early data from states, but approximately 78 percent of it failed […]
Gov. Cuomo has repeatedly mentioned the key to reopening New York is tracing and testing. Bill Gates said “Normalcy only returns when we’ve largely vaccinated the entire global population.” Soon Rochester, NY will be among four U.S. cities that have both the tests and vaccines. URMC was recently hired by Pfizer to test vaccines in […]
Here we are in the first week of May and I’m about to lose my mind. Schools are closed for the rest of the year and we have no idea when we will be able to go back to work. I called in a psychologist to help us all manage the stress of the “new […]