Stay Home Order Is Still In Effect As Numbers For COVID-19 Rise In Monroe County

Written by on May 16, 2020

Monroe County is beginning to reopen with phase 1 but we still must practice social distancing. It is very important to continue to protect ourselves and our loved ones by wearing a mask or face covering. Along with masks we still must practice social distancing and wash our hands.  We have done a god job so far, we must keep it up.


New cases in our area have spiked since Wednesday and continue to rise. Health experts say it’s because of widespread testing that the numbers are up. Wednesday the number of new cases were 83, Thursday they were 76 new cases, and Friday 94 new cases. We have doubled and triple the amount of new cases since we had our first coronavirus case back on March. There are 119 people who are in the hospital from COVID-19.

With the numbers and the data we can not play around with this virus. It is still here and there is no cure or treatment. In Monroe County we have lost 167 people to COVID-19. Condolences to all of the families who lost their loved one(s) to the coronavirus.

A reminder that the executive order to stay home is still in place for Monroe County. We are in phase 1 of reopening but that does NOT mean we are back to normal by any means. So PLEASE stay home!

This is serious, therefore we have to continue to stay safe with social distancing, staying home, good hygiene, and wear a face covering properly. Health experts in our area say if you are within six feet of someone for more than 15 minutes there is a greater risk of you getting the disease.

You can see the areas that are the most affected in Monroe County by clicking COVID-19 Dashboard.


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