Trump Administration Removes CDC from Control of Covid Numbers

Written by on July 16, 2020

It looks like the Trump Administration is going to play Hide & Go Seek with COVID-19 data. That is the only logical explanation as to the rerouting of hospital data of COVID-19 patients. The data of coronavirus patients will go directly to the President first then to the CDC. Trump claims this way will be faster.

Locally there are concerns which Monroe County Health Commissioner Dr. Mendoza expressed concern Wednesday. He said “We need scientists to look at the data and come to valid conclusions and to know the limitations in data. In my view, the CDC is who we’ve empowered to do that.”

Dr. Mendoza also said via 13WHAM he does not know where the data will go in the White House and he wants it to be transparent on the local level.

The Department of Health and Human Services will collect the data on a daily basis from hospitals across the country. How that is going to be faster and more efficient than sending it directly to the CDC is beyond comprehension. Scientists and Doctors need the information to keep us going and alive.

Disrupting that process is going to cause more harm than good. But then again this is Trump we are dealing with and he has been trying to do everything to worsen the situation since day one. All for reelection.

This latest move will hurt the country more than help because the data will not be public. On top of that, I’m sure he is not going to allow the real true data to be sent to the CDC so the scientists know what’s going on in the hospitals across the country.

This guy has got to go.

Source: CNN


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