The Incredible Intelligent Octopus And Life Lesson

Written by on July 25, 2022

What is octopuses are conscious sea beings? There is a real possibility that they are according to science. The one thing that this possibly show is how little we humans know about the world around us and how much we still need to learn about being human.

I get that is level of thinking requires you to have an open mind and see beyond everything you think and even know. Perhaps it allows you to take a moment and see life through a whole new perspective.

What if?

An octopus can feel pain, it is intelligent as a matter of fact the octopus is one of the most intelligent animal of the sea. Not only can an octopus feel but it can learn and are escape artists. Fascinating, right?!

The reason for this blog is to provide you with information that there is so much more to life if you allow yourself to see beyond with is in front of you. And also to allow your imagination to run wild for a moment while asking questions like what if?

If life possibilities are infinite! We live in an infinite universe where the things we dream could become our reality good or bad. The more we are aware of the more we expand our awareness through learning the bigger we can dream. Including learning about and from an octopus.

Shift your perspective and see life as a whole and all things connected will allow you to live in a bigger and more beautiful reality.

I guess this is what I was feeling today because the point of this blog was to tell you how incredible octopus’s are, anyway stay curious and beautifully you!

To read in depth about the intelligent octopus click BBC.

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