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The pandemic has caused an economic impact that has affected many. Since financial troubles became a priority for many, NY lawmakers voted last year on a law that prohibits a landlord to kick out their tenant due to financial issues. This law is in effect until May 1st, 2021. Now that we are reaching that […]
The days of trying to find a COVID test are over as pharmacy shelves such as Walgreens, CVS, and even retailers like Walmart will be stocking up on at-home tests. The at-home kits come with a cotton swab and a test tube. There are a few different ways that the kit will be tested. One […]
President Biden addressed the Nation on Wednesday to celebrate another milestone in the Covid19 vaccine campaign. 200 million shots have been administered since he got into office three months ago. As the focus of the promotional campaign switches focus onto working adults, Biden is calling on businesses to offer paid time of for employees to […]
This week, Business Insider took the liberty to compile rankings to determine the best place to live in a post-COVID world. Their rankings were based on several factors, such as the ability to work from home, housing affordability, and cost of living. In the northeast, Rochester was made the number one city to live in […]
The single-shot Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine has been put on pause by the FDA due to rare complications. Six women out of the 7 million who have received the vaccine have reported severely rare blood clots that may be linked to the vaccine. Other side effects include a severe headache that does not go […]
Right now, the U.S. is averaging 3.1 million doses a day of the vaccine. By the end of this week, half of adults are expected to have recieved at least one dose. Reporter, Amanda Sealy says, “This signals remarkable progress especially if you consider that at the end of December, less than three million doses […]
Rochester is now offering a way to get vaccines to underserved communities. The city plans to do so with an easy to use hotline and PODS. Clinics will be offered in community churches and rec centers with low vaccination rates. The Rochester Mayor, Lovely Warren, said, “I’m asking you to join us in doing your […]
After a COVID-19 outbreak among coaches, players and fans, youth ice hockey has been suspended. There were 240 people at the Regional Iceplex and 27 tested positive. Everyone that was there was told to self-quarentine immediately. The County Director of Public Health, Dr. Michael Medoza said, “As per New York State guidance, higher risk sports competitions […]
Yesterday, 4 million people were vaccinated. This is a record high, and makes our 7 day average 3 million a day. This is hopeful news after a long COVID-19 journey. Cyrus Shahpar, the COVID-19 director in the White House tweeted in celebration by saying,”Wow a record reporting day!! +4.08M doses reported administered over the total […]