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How do you feel about this? You’re an American citizen, during a virus outbreak, where anyone could be carrying the virus, but not be showing signs of illness. Your government decides to check multiple people for the infection and those who have it must quarantine away from society and/or take a vaccine. Sounds like the plot […]
Future generations will look back on how different communities handled the COVID-19 pandemic, and residents of Rochester, NY are determined to go down in history as a community that cared for its residents. Charities and non-profit organizations across Rochester are struggling due to volunteering shortages and canceled fundraising events. As a result, charities and food […]
Welp! Since the announcement of COVID-19, there has been ‘Breaking News’ surrounding it daily. The mere confusion of it all has created new ideas, good ole speculation, and multiple theories as to where we’re all headed; and maybe, which rabbit hole we may end up going down. The way this all has been going just […] In Rochester, there is growing concern about the impact of the COVID-19 on feelings of isolation and depression in elderly Rochester residents. The charity Lifespan and local volunteers have taken this matter into their own hands. Rochester volunteers of all ages are reaching out to elderly residents thorough the phone and making connections and […]
As absurd as it sounds, pillows have become the latest high-fashion accessory. Celebrities and influencers are taking part in the pillow challenge which involves rocking a pillow like it’s a couture garment. Here are our 3 favorite black celebrities and influencers who rocked the pillow challenge 1. Naomie Laurens (IG: naomielaurens) Thought pillows were basic? […]
On Tuesday, April 28, current Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce President and CEO, and former state lieutenant governor Bob Duffy provided more details to the public about his new role helping Governor Andrew Cuomo and others come up with a plan to re-open the state. He was assigned by the governor to provide advice about […]
Wanna to take a look at your credit report? Now you can! And for free, for the next 12 months. Equifax, Experian and TransUnion are all working together to allowing consumers to check their credit report weekly for free until April 2021, on . Why now? According to Bruce McClary a National […]
The days of the Classic Cartoon “The Jetson’s” has been here. The use of video conferencing has become the new meeting room to get work done this days. Now, here comes drone delivery. A Florida retirement community will doing test runs starting in May. Both CVS and UPS plan on using drones to deliver […]
This past week, Dr. Richard Levitan with Bellevue explained in an Op-Ed for The New York Times the insidious way in which SARS-CoV-2 seems to hide pneumonia symptoms from patients and doctors. Scans of emergency room patients who came into the hospital with other types of health issues, such as injuries from falls, revealed COVID-19 […]
In the past, litter awareness campaigns usually talked about people littering with candy and fast food wrappers, cans and bottles, cigarette butts or plastic bags. Since more people have started to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) in public, a new waste disposal problem has emerged in parking lots and other places around the country. Mark […]