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The WHO is attempting to effectively communicate how often people can spread the coronavirus when they are asymptomatic. On Tuesday, they held a social media based live Q&A to answer questions about comments made by a WHO representative, indicating that asymptomatic people rarely spread the virus. There’s been a lot of confusion lately because that […]

Since COVID-19 a new report from the CDC found that Americans were cleaning and disinfecting their home more to avoid getting sick. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also found people are not handling cleaning products in a safe way. According to the report 39% of Americans wash food with bleach. The same percentage […]

MONROE COUNTY EXECUTIVE ADAM BELLO ANNOUNCES MASK DISTRIBUTION FOR RESTAURANTS This is a one-time distribution of 500 masks per business to help restaurants reopen quickly once Phase Three of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s Forward NY plan begins. ROCHESTER, NY — Monroe County Executive Adam Bello announced today that Monroe County is distributing masks to permitted restaurants […]

The WDKX Wake-Up Club had City of Rochester Equity Officer Dr. Cephas Archie on the radio Thursday Morning talking about the 2 zip codes exposed to the coronavirus. Dr. Archie and Dr Hank Rubin are apart of the Rapid Response Team. Rochester Zip Codes 14609 and 14621 are the hardest hit when it comes to […]

The N95 mask has been the industry standard in personal protective equipment (PPE) since 1972. At first, they were designed for industrial use but were adapted for healthcare after virus blocking technology (originally developed to block tuberculosis) was introduced to the platform in 1995 by Peter Tsai, a professor at the University of Tennessee. When […]

Big name retail stores like WalMart, T.J. Maxx and Kohls are dedicating hours for shoppers who are most at risk for contracting the coronavirus. Following in the footsteps of essential businesses like grocery stores, these chains will be opening earlier for groups of people that might not feel comfortable shopping during regular hours, when the […]

At 3:10pm on Sunday, May 31, Governor Andrew Cuomo tweeted “NEW: New York dentists can reopen statewide tomorrow. Dentists’ offices will be subject to safety and social distancing guidelines.” This action is based on the recent COVID-19 data that suggests hospitalizations and deaths are falling, thanks in part to the precautions that all New Yorkers […]

The more you know the better the decisions you can make especially when it comes to you health. With that said in Monroe County there are currently 34 new cases and 187 hospitalizations from COVID-19. Seven people have died from the coronavirus locally since Thursday. We are still losing people to COVID-19 so it is […]

On May 30th there were no new deaths from COVID-19 in Monroe County. The toll remained the same as it was last Friday, at 218. As of May 30, there have been 2,852 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Monroe County, of which, 44 cases were added 24 hours before the statistic was updated. 189 cases […]

There is a new COVID-19 testing site now open in Webster. Walgreens at 985 Ridge Road, Webster has opened a drive-thru testing site for COVID-19. They are accepting individuals but, only if they meet the Center for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines. There is no cost for the test to people who are eligible. You […]

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