
Attorney Al Parisi Tune in to Attorney Al Parisi every Tuesday morning at 9:00 am on the WDKX Watercooler to discuss the issues of the day in Rochester. You can count on Attorney Al Parisi to bring a fresh perspective and the WOOOOOW factor to the show every week! Injured? Call now for your FREE Consultation: (585) 888-8000

Are you crypto-curious? Did you know 60% of people that own cryptocurrency rate their knowledge level about crypto to be very low..well The King of Crypto Jay Hicks is giving you knowledgeable SCOOPS! Inside his very entertaining and informative new Ebook Two Scoops of crypto! Finally, a Crypto eBook that explains the WHY! Why, You […]

Netflix just released a revamped version of Chris Rock’s most recent stand-up. This Total Blackout Netflix special appears to have Rock accompanied by some of his very popular comedic acquaintances not shown in Tambourine. In the clip below, you can see them backstage trading legendary tales of past experiences with Eddie Murphy and Richard Pryor. […]

We were invited to a special Townhall meeting this evening on news eight to discuss recent events across the nation and was in Rochester. we were invited to a special Townhall meeting this evening on News 8 to discuss recent events across the nation and was in Rochester. DJ Reign was present to represent WDKX […]

If you’re not familiar with the name @chazbruce0 , I urge you to ‘Get Familiar’, like DJ Grand Imperial would always say! Chaz has been an extremely bright light in entertaining people in the Monroe County area for years. The guy dances, teaches, sings, plays instruments, does comedy and just has been an all around people […]

Feb Newsletter | 2020

According to a study conducted by Realtor.com, Rochester, NY is rated as one of the top six housing markets in the United States. The study was based on several key housing factors such as mortgage rates, existing home sales, existing home sales price appreciation, homeownership rate and more. National market activity also played a role […]

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