Fast Drivers Beware! Work Zone Speed Enforcement Program Gave Out Over 44,000 Speeding Citations In Monroe County
Written by Tariq on January 16, 2025
Did you get an unwelcomed surprise in the mail last year? New York’s Automated Work Zone speed Enforcement Program issued more than 44-thousand speeding citations in Monroe County. The construction or maintenance zone cameras were placed along spots on I-390, I-490 and NY 104 for several weeks toward the back half of 2024. If the radar and camera caught you speeding, you received a notice of liability in the mail, carrying with it a fine of $50 for the first offense. The amount jumped to $75 for a second violation in an 18-month period and $100 for any additional. Unlike standard speeding tickets, these are no points against your driver’s license, your insurance company is not informed and there are no criminal implications.
News 8 filed a Freedom of Information Law request with the NYS Department of Transportation to find out how many citations were issued at the various checkpoints in Monroe County. The DOT confirmed 44,462 citations were levied, with the vast majority of them coming from the I-490 eastbound zone in Gates — 30,660 from that spot alone. 9,388 speeders were caught on camera on I-390 northbound in Brighton. I-390 southbound in Brighton had another 4,073.
Source: Rochester First