Young Man Arrested For Walking Home During A Storm

Written by on March 2, 2021

Rodney Reese is an 18-year-old young man who was arrested while walking home from work during the Texas storm.
Police were responding to a call asking them to do a welfare check on a guy walking in the cold wearing only a t-shirt – I didn’t know that was a thing.🤔 When officers approached Reese, they repeatedly asked if he was alright and if he needed a ride. He kept refusing their offers. The back-and-forth soon escalated into badgering and what appeared to me as harassment. At a certain point, the only reason to continue communication with them was the fact that they were law enforcement.
Because they were law enforcement, the next level became a reality. They said the words, “you are officially detained” and “stop resisting” – phrases recalled in many cases involving Domestic Terrorism.
Luckily, the situation didn’t result in any further physical duress for the young fella but, he was held behind bars overnight for what is referred to as a ‘pedestrian in the roadway’ charge. WOW!! He was arrested for walking in the street (because of the snow, by the way).
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