What’s On Your Mind Reign?

Written by on April 22, 2020

This moment in time we are currently in with the coronavirus pandemic has taught me a lot about myself..

Especially, being alone with my thoughts so now I’m forced to deal with me. Now don’t get me wrong, I took time out to be alone with my thoughts and myself prior to this pandemic. Self care is very important and so is getting to know you, the real you. Hold yourself accountable while seeing the things you want to keep, and the things you want to change.

Though, this time is unique because you have time – a LOT of time to reflect on everything. (Unless you are on the front-lines working, if you are we appreciate you. May God continue to protect and provide strength for you all.)

Just you and your thoughts.

For me this journey so far has been incredible and scary.

Yes, you learn about yourself but, if you allow, you begin to really deconstruct yourself to rebuild a mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually better you.

It’s NOT easy at all because there were parts of me that I didn’t like. You MUST remember that not liking something about you is okay.

Understanding that if I don’t like something I also have the power to change it. Whew! That is where the real work begins.

Challenging yourself to do better or changing and creating new, positive, and good habits is hard, VERY hard but not impossible.

The easy part was seeing myself as I am and then visualizing what and where I want to be. The work is doing the part that you need to do to get to real success within and then working at it everyday consistently.

However, the hardest part about it all is being really honest with yourself and I would say that is also, the most important part.

ALWAYS keep a positive mindset, keep faith in God and you, remain grateful, and allow the universe to guide you!

The take away from all of this?

Be honest with yourself every chance you get. If you don’t like something change it. Live life to the fullest don’t just exist.

Cherish every moment, learn to grow through tough times, appreciate yourself, and all of the people in your life LOVE them like it’s the last time you will ever see them.

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