Tuesdays Something Good To Get You Motivated

Written by on September 1, 2020

Get up, get out, and get something – OutKast

Today don’t wait to get up, get out to go do something that you keep putting off or a goal that you are afraid to master. Even if it’s a small goal like doing your laundry, do it!

Way too often we put off our goals, dreams, and aspirations for whatever reason. Today go out and do something that will put you in a better space or position in life. We are here to help each other and build a better world for our descendants. Everyone has a role to play and it can be anything from being a scientist, bus driver, firefighter, or teacher. Whatever gifts or talent God gave you figure it and then use it to change the world.

You have everything you need within you. All you have to do is discover YOU and the rest will fall into place with some work of course. So get up, get out, and get something!

Do not wait on your dreams, live them now!

With Love,


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