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I love this post and this individual for her courage and her strength on and off the tennis court. She is the change. There are so many things that I want to say but I’ll keep it short. Speaking from my own experience as Naomi I struggle (I believe we all do). Yes, I am […]
According to Century Foundation, about 7.5 million workers on pandemic-era unemployment benefits will be cut off when extra benefits expire on September 6th. Critics of pandemic aid have say the benefits, have kept people from accepting new jobs that would jumpstart the economy. But, research also shows that financial assistance hasn’t kept people from taking […]
It’s Monday so let’s hop into this week with a fresh mind and a renewed spirit! This is a new week to finish what you started, create new goals, celebrate accomplishments, or start over again. Whatever it is you make the choice to do this week make sure you follow through and actually do it. […]
Are you working from home still and if so are you actually doing the work? reports not only were Americans drinking, smoking weed, and watching more porn during stay-at-home orders but some who worked from home were not necessarily doing their work. Instead of working from home some Americans went out on dates, had […]
Are you a procrastinator? If you are there is some good news as evidence shows procrastination may be what inspires you to be great. I will admit I have allowed procrastination to become a habit that was so not productive and recently I’ve begun to work on this. Funny thing that I would come across […]
Expect to see a few people calling in sick today at the job. No it’s not the Flu……Flu! It’s called the Super Bowl Flu! An estimated 17 million Americans are expected to call in sick Today. And trust me they’re not all Kansas City Chiefs fans or San Francisco 49er fans. They may not even be […]
This is a beautiful moment.