Hey Procrastinators You May Be A Creative Genius!

Written by on April 1, 2021

Are you a procrastinator? If you are there is some good news as evidence shows procrastination may be what inspires you to be great.

I will admit I have allowed procrastination to become a habit that was so not productive and recently I’ve begun to work on this. Funny thing that I would come across this news article once I start kicking procrastination up out of my life!

However, the new evidence from this brand new study by American management professors says you have to procrastinate in moderation. Something like productive procrastination where you intentionally do the “time-wasting” for a short period of time. Basically, this is you distracting yourself and then allowing room for the creativity to flow.

Some companies have adopted this method to promote a more creative space for their employees. The distraction maybe a coffee break, a short walk, some even get their employees nap pods. This is very interesting because it is actually been proven to work and companies like Apple have already implemented this way of working since 2017.

When you think about it when do your greatest ideas come to you? Some people get their best ideas in the shower or while working out. I get ideas when I’m cleaning, reading, or right before I go to bed. Actually, when I think about it it is mostly when I’m not doing the “work” or actual brainstorming for the idea.

Hmmm this new study might be on to something and if you have a job that is demanding of your creative genius this planned procrastination may be a great idea!

This is a long read but very interesting! You may be cultivating your creative genius, you magnificent procrastinator!

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