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Have some fun this weekend! No, really take the time to make the time to have some fun over the weekend. Do something that you love to do that you haven’t done in a long time maybe since childhood. As a matter of fact, with all of the snow we are expected to get this […]

In life consistency is key! Being consistent will not only get things done it will allow yourself the room to grow and learn new things. Being consistent in relationships business and personal also creates a healthier environment. Consistency does take some discipline and if you are someone who may find it a challenge start with […]

A study published by Harvard that took 85 years and over 700 participants shows the number 1 thing that makes us human happy and promotes longevity. Do you want to take a good guess on what that is? And no it is NOT money or even anything tangible. Done guessing? Its ‘Social Fitness’! Yep, healthy […]

If you don’t like to feel the effects of brain fog there are some things you can do in order to eliminate that feeling. According to a neuroscientist at MIT, there are for things she does daily in order to stay focused and energetic through her day. Dr. Tara Swart Bieber says there are four […]

January 17, 2023

An off-air Wake Up Club discussion with Tariq and DJ Sight prompted me to write this quick blog just to ask you – when is the last time you’ve done something you wanted to do, really? Take a moment and think about it. Most of the stuff we do in a day may not be […]

In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day I am sharing this video of Dr. King explaining the blueprint to your life. There is a blueprint already here. You do not have to reinvent the wheel so to speak all we have to do is take what is already here and improve it. Our […]

In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day I am sharing this video of Dr. King explaining the blueprint to your life. There is a blueprint already here. You do not have to reinvent the wheel so to speak all we have to do is take what is already here and improve it. Our […]

Just a quick note as we are getting started in 2023. In whatever you plan to do or even if you don’t have any plans, make sure you believe in yourself. That is where you can start if you have goals or don’t have any goals but want to do better. Like I said no […]

Planning of dating again in 2023? Get ready for some new trends. Bumble has released their annual predictions for what we can expect in the new year. Emotional needs are high on people’s list of priorities. Relationship priorities have shifted, with people looking for vulnerability and mindfulness. Sober (curious) dating, Winter Coating has emerged as […]

Sharing thoughts in a space of Love. If you have people around you that consistently complain, put other people down, or they tend to hate on others they call friends – GET OUT. Yep, leave them where they are period. Even if they have been your friend for ten plus years leave them be. If […]

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