
A study published by Harvard that took 85 years and over 700 participants shows the number 1 thing that makes us human happy and promotes longevity. Do you want to take a good guess on what that is? And no it is NOT money or even anything tangible. Done guessing? Its ‘Social Fitness’! Yep, healthy […]

What is it that you want to do, be, or have in life? What are your dreams? Do you allow yourself to dream? When is the last time you have asked yourself any of these questions? Seriously… If you never asked yourself one of those questions well today take a few minutes out to do […]

Did you know that some people don’t even know that they are not happy? Some people don’t know how else to be and think life is designed that way. That we have to deal with things as they are and that’s it, that’s life and you have to accept it. It’s true life happens BUT […]

There are times where you will have to unfollow people on social media but you will also have to do the same in real life. No matter if it is someone who has a negative mindset, always complaining, that does not believe in you, or someone who wants to see you fail. Unfriend, unfollow, and […]

The power is in the hands of the decision-maker. Make the decision to be happy. Sometimes we give other people, circumstances, and situations the power to “steal our joy” or affect our happiness. The focus for the day is choosing happiness because we all want to be happy right? Happiness is a choice. Now I […]

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