Frederick Douglass

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Written by DJ Sight Rochester, New York is one of the most unique cities in the world. Sometimes I feel as if we don’t get the credit we rightfully deserve. This city single-handedly changed the country and the world, from technology to human rights. One of the great people we always celebrate here is Frederick […]

Written by Jasmine It has been reported that a total of five Rochester city signs have Frederick Douglass’ name misspelled. If you happen to be walking, biking or driving in the Northland-Lyceum area near Bausch and Lomb, you may have noticed this. According to News10NBC, all of these signs, which point to the Northeast College […]

written by ari As Rochestarians we take pride in our heritage and celebrate the people who have made a difference in not only our community, but also in our culture. The person we honor today is the famous Frederick Douglass. As a social reformer and influencer in the abolition of slavery, Frederick Douglass has made […]

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The Great Western Staircase is located in the New York State Capitol Building in Albany, NY, and portrays busts of famous New York State historical figures and significant scenes in American history. Among the 77 busts carved, some of the names include, Susan B. Anthony, Christopher Columbus, Benjamin Franklin, and, most importantly, Frederick Douglass.

The Frederick Douglass statue that was destroyed is back on Tracy street and Alexander. Community, strength, legacy, unity, and love stands strong!  

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