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Today we dog lovers have a reason to celebrate our furry family members. Happy National Dog Day!! 2020 has been a year. We have pretty much felt and experienced every emotion known to the human race separately but together this year. So with everything going on taking a break today to appreciate our furry family […]

A German study out of the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover found that dogs are able to distinguish human saliva samples that are infected with the novel coronavirus from those that are not with 94 percent accuracy, if properly trained.   For the study, which was published in the BMC Infectious Diseases journal on July […]

Pet owners, well dog owners in particular there is a playlist on Spotify that is for dogs ears! When you leave home or want to put on some music to calm or relax your dog you can go to Spotify for the playlist specifically curated for dogs. Spotify said in a survey that most dog […]

The founder of the animal rights group PETA urges people to stop calling their dog cat or whatever animal that you have, “pets.” She says it’s a derogatory name to call a animal that and instead to use the term “Animal Companions” and instead of calling yourself a pet owner referre to yourself a “Animal […]

Forget how good schools are, is there a dog park near by?

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