
A family in adopted a dog and found out a few years later that puppy was actually a bear. The family thought they adopted a pet Tibetan Mastiffs, and those dogs can weigh up to 150lbs, but this pet reached 250lbs, due to the animal’s super appetite. The family became alarmed when they noticed the […]

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September 13, 2022

If you are a dog owner a quick reminder to make sure you get your dog vaccinated. It’s very important especially if you have a puppy. The vaccines protect them from viruses that could make them severely sick or cause death. Across the country there has been an uptick in a parvo like virus that […]

A new poll revealed that, regardless of relationship status, 73 percent of people say they’re more likely to approach someone who is walking a dog. OnePoll conducted the research among 2,000 cat and dog owners on behalf of ORIJEN pet food. Almost half (49 percent) of the survey respondents said their pet has been their […]

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January 7, 2022

The United States has seen the highest numbers of deaths In 10 years related to rabies. Reports said at least 5 people died from being infected with the virus. Some of the people that died refused to get the rabies vaccine due to their beliefs and the other people didn’t know that they were exposed […]

First, let me start off with if you witness anyone abusing an animal please report them. You can call 585-223-6500 to report suspected animal cruelty. So the man caught on video at a CountyMax store in Henrietta beating his dog was arrested. The man is 54-year-old Michael Meyer from Rochester. Because patrons and employees reported […]

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January 14, 2021

If you are a dog owner you have probably wondered why sometimes your fur baby turns into your shadow. Okay so maybe not sometimes but ALL of the time they are following you everywhere. Well, I came across this article that explains why your furry family member follows you around. One of the reasons which […]

A woman in Florida woke up to shuffling sounds in her living room. When she went out to investigate she saw her Christmas tree shaking and something grey moving underneath the boughs. Aubrey Iacobelli of Tallahassee got her phone out and started recording, saying: “There’s a cat in my Christmas Tree!” In the video you […]

Do you love dogs? Do you have a dog? Do you talk to your dog? Do you sometimes wonder what your dog is trying to say to you when it’s barking back at you? Well if you have $60 to spare you can purchase the cuss collar. You place this item around your dog’s neck and everytime […]

Dog owners in Portland, Oregon almost made a huge mistake when they decided put their dog to sleep after they thought nothing could be done for the 10 year old dogs failing health. The veterinarians couldn’t figure out the illness the dog was suffering from, but come to find out the same thing that made the […]

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March 5, 2018

It’s the start of a new week be focused, fearless, and relentless while attacking your goals. 

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