death rate
The global population is set to reach 8.09 billion on New Year’s Day 2025, following an increase of over 71 million people in 2024, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. This represents a 0.9% growth rate, slightly slower than the 75 million increase recorded in 2023. On a global scale, 4.2 births and 2.0 deaths […]
Manatees are dying at an alarming rate. Between Jan. 1 and July 2, 841 manatees have died, which is record breaking. According to the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission, in 2021 only, the death rate surpassed the previous record of 830 deaths in 2013. CNN reported: “The record die-off constituted an ‘unusual mortality event,’ […]
With the 80 to 90 degree weather we have been experiencing the past couple of weeks we want to enjoy it but we have to be cautious. The coronavirus is still around, there is no vaccine and no treatment available yet. The Monroe County Department of Health reported 8 deaths from the virus on Wednesday. […]