
Join New York Statewide Faith Leaders Summit on Gun Violence in Rochester NY, where we will take an all-day dive on topics including: Holding the Gun Industry Accountable; Educating Community Members on Gun Laws from Various Jurisdictions Across New York State. BRADY National Gun Trace Data Report Community Engagement, Strategic Doing, Outreach & Partnering From […]

T-Mobile said that an unidentified malicious intruder breached its network in late November and stole data on 37 million customers, including addresses, phone numbers and dates of birth. T-Mobile said in a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that the breach was discovered Jan. 5. It said the data exposed to theft — based […]

With all types of personal data accessible on the internet, a report says artificial intelligence knows how money you’re willing to spend on a plane ticket before you make a purchase. With all the information given from online searches, to online purchases and behaviors on social media helped tech providers determine how much money people […]

Meta the big tech company that owns the social media platform Facebook is being sued because they used personal medical data without permission to target people with facebook ad’s. Hospitals are being accused of selling and sharing the medical information with Meta.

Amazon is about to acquire the primary care organization One Medical for around $3.9 billion. This will be one of Amazon’s largest acquisitions and it will increase the company’s presence in the healthcare field. The reason Amazon said it is expanding in the medical field is to reinvent the experience in healthcare. The areas they […]

The latest update for your android phone Is a very helpful update after Google is warning android users that there are some apps that are accessing your microphones and cameras. With the latest android update in the upper right corner You will get a notification by a green light flashing letting you know An app […]

Here is some cautiously good news. The Rochester City School District released the graduation rate for the 2019 – 20 school year. The district reported that its graduation rate is 68.2%. The reason I say the cautiously good news is because the New York State Education Department has not confirmed these numbers. However, this is […]

It looks like the Trump Administration is going to play Hide & Go Seek with COVID-19 data. That is the only logical explanation as to the rerouting of hospital data of COVID-19 patients. The data of coronavirus patients will go directly to the President first then to the CDC. Trump claims this way will be […]

Ever since the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers, protests and demonstrations have swept the nation and world, despite the fact that there is a global pandemic going on at the same time. A new study, published by the National Bureau of Economic Research is showing that there is no evidence that COVID-19 […]

On Monday, officials from the Governor’s office reported that the State of New York is continuing to make great strides against COVID-19. Statistics show that just 10 New Yorkers have passed away from the coronavirus on Sunday, marking the lowest number statewide since March 21st. Of the 56,780 tests for COVID-19, only 552 came back […]

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