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You ever read a news story and say to yourself this just can’t be real? So, Sight posted a news story that students in Tuscaloosa, Alabama were intentionally going to parties knowing they have COVID-19. Welp! There has been a development with that story. The reason why they were attending the parties is that they […]

Governor Andrew Cuomo gave his COVID-19 briefing in New York City on Wednesday. I have to say I almost thought he was the President for a moment while he was addressing the rise in cases across the country. So how is the Governor of New York explaining what’s happening across the country with the coronavirus […]

Just as the MLB season was set to begin, a wave of COVID-19 cases has threatened to put an end to it. The Miami Marlins have reported at least 14 cases of coronavirus after playing three games in Philadelphia this weekend. Nobody knows how the players contracted the disease, but they had played some exhibition […]

23 states are now rethinking their re opening procedures due to soaring COVID-19 infection rates. On Wednesday, there were over 50,000 new cases of the coronavirus reported across the country. This sets an all time high record that rivals the initial numbers when the pandemic began. Arizona, California, North Carolina, Tennessee and Texas have the […]

Pfizer and BioNTech have been hard at work researching and testing a possible vaccine against the coronavirus. On Wednesday, the pharmaceutical companies announced that initial trials looked promising and seemed optimistic about the future of the vaccine. In the most recent trial, 45 people were tested. 36 of them received the vaccine and 9 got […]

Most of the southern states are on the New York State travel advisory list. Meaning, if you come from any of the 16 States that have spikes in positive coronavirus cases and travel to New York state you are required to self quarantine for two weeks. Plus, $10 thousand dollar fine. The governor of Florida was […]

Over the weekend I went to Home Depot to get a few things for a do it yourself project and when I went to pay for my items the sales associate said they are not taking cash. Of course, I would be paying in cash but following my first mind, I brought my card with […]

Ever since the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers, protests and demonstrations have swept the nation and world, despite the fact that there is a global pandemic going on at the same time. A new study, published by the National Bureau of Economic Research is showing that there is no evidence that COVID-19 […]

So far there hasn’t been a concrete decision made on whether schools will be open in the fall. Rising COVID-19 rates across the U.S. are making the decision to switch back to in person learning very difficult, according to Governor Andrew Cuomo. While New York has significantly lower coronavirus numbers than the rest of the […]

Dr. Anthony Fauci has finally resurfaced after well… we don’t really know we can only assume but he has been pretty low key for a while. Dr. Fauci is the leading infectious disease expert so hearing from after these last few weeks is oddly comforting. He was recently a part of the Aspen Ideas Festival […]

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