RCSD MiFi Units Struggling To Keep Up With Remote Learning

Written by on October 20, 2020

Last year, the Rochester City School District distributed around 10,000 MiFi hot spot devices with 10 gigabytes of data a month.

The was intended to be a supplemental resource for school or library activity, but ever since COVID-19 hit, many students have become completely reliant on them in order to attend class.

Now that school is completely remote based, these students are hitting the data caps way too early and losing the connectivity speed thats required for streaming live classes and zoom.

RCSD Executive Director of Instructional Technology Glen VanDerwater gave a statement to Democrat & Chronicle, saying:

“They were meant to be a supplemental use in addition to school or library connectivity … (now) some students are getting down to almost AOL dial-up speed.”

Democrat & Chronicle

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