Public Health Report Shows Higher Rates Of Hospitalizations For African Americans In Monroe County

Written by on June 12, 2020

With the 80 to 90 degree weather we have been experiencing the past couple of weeks we want to enjoy it but we have to be cautious. The coronavirus is still around, there is no vaccine and no treatment available yet. The Monroe County Department of Health reported 8 deaths from the virus on Wednesday. There are 151 people hospitalized and still new cases – 22 reported Thursday.

You may feel like it’s okay to become a little lax because we are going into phase 3 of reopening. Don’t.

Keep wearing your mask in public, maintaining social distancing, and wash your hands.

The Monroe County Department of Public Health and the New York State Department of Health have released numbers for our area that is concerning. As Dr. Archie Cephus said on the WDKX Watercooler area codes 14621 and 14609 account for 20% of the areas COVID-19 cases.

The death rate from the coronavirus is 3 times higher for African-Americans than Whites in Monroe County. The hospitalization rate is higher for Blacks than other ethnicity in Monroe County. As far as confirmed cases of the coronavirus it is significantly higher for Blacks than all other races as well.

Please make sure you are doing everything you can to stay safe. This virus has not gone anywhere again, please protect your circle.

To get the full breakdown of the virus by race, age, gender in Monroe County click COVID-19 Monroe County



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