Once Every 800 Years The Star Of Bethlehem Will Close Out The Year

Written by on December 9, 2020

Have you ever heard of or ever seen the Christmas Star?

If you have been blessed with the opportunity to see this magnificent star then you are a miracle! The reason you’d be a miracle is that this display only happens every 800 years so you’d literally be as old as dirt.

On December 21, 2020, you will be able to see this amazing celestial event. It is also known as the “Star of Bethlehem” because it is so close to Christmas.

The phenomenon is caused by the alignment of the planets Jupiter and Saturn. Sounds like something to look forward to as 2020 comes to end. I also wonder if the two planets aligning will cause a shift in the energy of the universe. Things that make you go hmmmm?

Will you try to see the Star of Bethlehem?

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