National PSA’s Encourage Dads To Be A Dad

Written by on March 31, 2023

Did you know there is a campaign nationwide with PSA’s for dads to be a dad? The PSA’s were created by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Children and Families, the National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse, and the Ad Council.

The PSA’s were created to encourage fathers to show their #Dadication. The Dadication PSA’s is to remind fathers everywhere all they have to do is show up for your kids and they don’t have to have all the answers. Just show up and show love for their children.

ACF Research shows that having a father involved significantly increases health and happiness in children no matter if the dad lives in the household.

The #Dadication campaign is ongoing. Here are some of the video ads.

Read more by clicking here.



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