Man Loses $60 Million In Crypto Currency After Landlord Cleans Out Apartment

Written by on February 24, 2020

A Irish man who was a drug dealer loss $60 million dollars in crypto currency.
Clifton Collins who was a former security guard turned marijuana grower and dealer
lost out on the large sum of crypto money after his land lord cleaned out his apartment and threw away the codes he needed to access his $60 million in bitcoins.
Collins was busted for possession of marijuana and was sentence to 5 years in prison. During his time being incarcerated his apartment was broken into and his landlord decided it was time to clear out the apartment.
Collins had 12 different bitcoins account with 12 different codes that was kept and locked away inside a fishing box.
Employee’s at the apartment remembered seeing that fishing box, but by the time they tried to go and retrieve the box the garbage was already removed and sent away.
Without the access codes the crypto currency is no good and Clifton Collins finally realized it’s gone for good.

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