Local clothing designer making masks for Rochester

Written by on March 27, 2020

Nathan Minnehan, the founder and CEO of Big Murphy’s, typically uses his factories in China to create suits customized to client specifications. When the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak began, Minnehan started to ask himself what he could do to help first line emergency efforts. After speaking with a cousin who works in a local hospital, he decided that he wanted to give back by designing and producing isolation suits and face masks.

On Saturday, March 21, Minnehan announced that his new company, Zeus Shields PPE, would start by using the Chinese factories to produce as quickly as possible one million three-layer, magic nose, disposable face masks a day to send to Rochester hospitals within approximately a week. Eventually, the company’s isolation suits will be available as well. They will feature several protective layers and multiple types of filters.

In his interview with Rochester First, Minnehan noted that people today might request a bulk order of 1,000 items or more of anything from different companies and never receive the items. He emphasized that he wanted to help his neighbors and that his unique position in the world makes that possible.

“We won’t know if we overreacted. We will only know if we under-reacted,” said Minnehan.



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