Keep Kids Safe: Having The Sexual Assault Discussion With Kids Is Important

Written by on October 1, 2021

There have been a couple of big news stories this week involving sexual assault with R Kelly and the 14-year-old Gates Chili student arrested for rape. The reason I’m bringing this up is that I came across some stats that parents and adults, in general, should be aware of to keep kids safe.

The Bivona Child Advocacy Center sees about 2,000 children a year in Monroe County who may have experienced sexual assault. And 25% of those assaults are by other children.

Even though it is difficult we need to have more discussions with kids when it comes to sexual assault. Especially when we see situations like the one that happened at Gates Chili High School.

As adults, we also have to have a better understanding of what sexual assault and rape are in order to help children experiencing this trauma.

We can not be dismissive or victim blame no matter how we see the situation or believe the incident is or isn’t, go off of FACTS.

We also have to be mindful about what we post on social media in regards to these situations because the kids involved could see the posts and cause them more harm than good. I say that because some of the posts on social media about the incident at the Gates Chili school were disturbing. Blaming the victim and calling the victim a slut or a hoe and even saying “she wanted it” is not okay regardless of what you feel or think happened.

Would you be okay with other adults calling your child a hoe or a slut after they were sexually assaulted?

No matter how we feel we can not make it an uncomfortable environment for kids to come forward especially when the person who assaults them will most likely be someone they know.


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