IRS launches stimulus payment tool for non-filers to supply bank details

Written by on April 18, 2020

On Friday, April 10, the Internal Revenue Service announced that it had added a new page to its site and a link to a tool for people who didn’t file taxes in 2018 and 2019 so that they can supply their bank deposit information and receive the Economic Impact Payment faster.

Those who qualify for the payment and make less than $75,000 receive $1,200 and $500 per child. Yet, one of the biggest problems that the IRS has faced is trying to make certain that low-income earners and others who didn’t file taxes receive the money in a timely fashion. The filing tool is specifically designed for:

– Individuals who made less than $12,200 gross and married couples who made less than $24,400 in 2019.
– Individuals who received veteran’s benefits and didn’t file 2018 or 2019 taxes.
– Individuals who received Social Security, SSDI, or Railroad Retirement benefits but need to claim their children for the $500 per child payment.

Anyone who filed taxes already or has their deposit information on file with the IRS, recipients of benefits without dependents who already filed taxes and students can’t use the Non-Filer form.

The Free File Alliance made this non-filer submission tool available through its Free File Fillable Forms website. Anyone who needs to set up a non-filer account can find everything they need to start by visiting and selecting the “Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info Here” option.

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