Good Is All Around You Just Open Your Eyes To See It

Written by on September 7, 2020

See the good around you and within you!

When you look for the beautiful things in life you will find them or they will find you. Even when you look for the beauty inside of you, you will see it!

Life really is 10% of what happens to you (good and bad) and 90% of how you decide to handle it. This is why having a positive mindset is so important. I’m not saying some things that happen in life won’t be a challenge to work through or a challenge to keep a positive outlook.

Some things will be incredibly hard and you will feel defeated, hurt, angry at times. It is okay to feel those emotions for that moment but you can not get stuck there. So work through how you feel – that is important! Once you do that then look for the good, as a matter of fact, while you are healing and working through your feelings ask God this question: “What good is here that I can’t see because of what I’m experiencing?”

After you ask that question stand strong in your faith and know that good is all around you. Meaning expect to see the good in your life. When you do this the good will find you and remember the beauty and good inside of you will always come through.

Keep your mind in a positive space and let God work with and through you. Become your own blessing and watch as what some would call miracles happen in your life!!


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