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The Clap claps back!

Sex trafficking is a real thing that is happening right under our noses. 

According to new research, it may be a possibility.

Ladies thinking about getting breast implants?  Better think again.

Today is the day to be happy! No matter how bad or good things may be do your best today to bring yourself some happiness in honor of World Happiness Day 2017!! 

March 20, 2017

Congress declared March as National Women’s History Month in 1987. Believe it or not ladies that progress. It only took seven years for us to get from a week-long celebration to a whole month. Did you know that every President since Jimmy Carter issued a special proclamation which honored the extraordinary achievements of American women? […]

( DJ SIGHT )One of the scariest conversations to have with a friend is letting them know that you’re interested in their sibling.

  Is the cure for hate, love?

( DJ SIGHT ) Over the last couple weeks, Ciara and Russell Wilson have managed to stay in the spotlight.  For some reason they keep making headlines over suggestive photos and videos that leave people with mixed feelings.

(DJ Sight) According to a recent study,  you can get in contact with a person faster if you hit them on the social media rather than just calling them on the phone.

[There are no radio stations in the database]