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RPD held a recruitment event over the weekend and is looking to hire officers. The event had over 100 people there and about 150 recruits already enrolled. The deadline to sign up is Friday August 19th. More information here. City of Rochester | Join the Rochester Police Department

Over this past weekend, the City of Rochester held the first ever Dominican Day celebration at the International Plaza. This celebration was filled with Dominican food, story-telling, children’s activities, and musical performances by Banda Light, the Dinzey Trio, Don Churchi and DJ Frank. Corinda Crossdale, Deputy County Executive for Health and Human Services, stated: “This […]

This weekend is the return of the annual Brockport Arts Festival! The festival features over a hundred artists and craftspeople, covering a wide variety of categories including ceramics/pottery, clothing, drawing, painting, graphic arts, jewelry, and more. In addition to the festivities, there were also samples of a variety of foods available along with some music […]

The thirsty Thursday pick up line of the week is where every Thursday we give you a pick up line  to use and try to get someone’s phone number. 1. I would say God bless you, but it looks like he already did. 2. Is your name asthma, because you just took my breath away. […]

A black Rochester fire fighter has filed a complaint against his captain after being forced to attend a Juneteenth spoof party. The alleged incident happened back on July 7th when the captain forced three subordinates while on duty to attend what was called a Juneteenth spoof party where he saw display of racism and misogyny. The captain […]

Off duty police officers will no longer be able to carry firearms on the New York State fairgrounds. Law enforcement agencies were notified by email about the change earlier this week. With all the mass shootings that happened this year and in the past would you feel safer if you know that there were off […]

The Rochester City School District is desperately seeking to fill hundreds of vacant positions for this upcoming school year. Yesterday, the district held and will continue to hold recruitment events, hiring individuals on site. In addition to recruitment events, the RCSD is also partnering with community-based organizations, including the Ibero-American Action League, Rochester Works, the […]

Who’s ready for football season? Over this past weekend, Monroe County Executive Adam Bello was joined by Buffalo Bills Executive Vice President Ron Raccuia and St. John Fisher University President Gerald Rooney to present a proclamation celebrating the Bills’ return to Monroe County. The Buffalo Bills training camp will continue at St. John Fisher University […]

Over this past weekend, Willpower Media Company hosted its third annual Black Culture Festival, sharing music, arts, love, and soul. The Black Culture Festival is a celebration of Black culture and the success the community has created and accomplished. At this year’s festival, the festival gave away a scholarship for a college-bound student, who plans […]

After a two-year hiatus, PlayROCs Your Neighborhood has returned! Healthi Kids teamed up with 50 neighborhood partners for the return of its 5th PlayROCs Your Neighborhood event to raise awareness and advocate for safe, accessible play spaces for children of Rochester. Activities at any of the 50 pop-up locations across the city included kickball, jump […]

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