PlayROCs Your Neighborhood Returns

Written by on August 7, 2022

After a two-year hiatus, PlayROCs Your Neighborhood has returned! Healthi Kids teamed up with 50 neighborhood partners for the return of its 5th PlayROCs Your Neighborhood event to raise awareness and advocate for safe, accessible play spaces for children of Rochester. Activities at any of the 50 pop-up locations across the city included kickball, jump ropes, water balloons, chalk, bubbles, and more.


Jenn Beideman, Advocacy Manager for Healthi Kids stated: “We’ve waited two years for the return of this community-wide event due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We’re excited to come together once again to advocate for the creation of policies, systems, environments, and resources that improve the health and well-being of children in the Rochester and Finger Lakes region…Every child deserves a life in a neighborhood where they can play and feel safe. By supporting the children of Rochester through the benefits of play, we’re working to improve their mental, physical, emotional, and social health.”

Source: 13 WHAM

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