Author: Andre

Page: 34

Just a reminder ahead of this snowstorm coming between Wednesday night through Friday. If you have a fire hydrant in front of your home, business, or apartment make sure you clear it. The Rochester Fire Department is asking for help from the community as there are about 9 inches of snow expected. If you can […]

The New York State mask mandate is here to stay at least for now. The statewide mandate implemented by Gov. Kathy Hochul was granted a full stay on Monday. The mask mandate by the governor was ruled unconstitutional but on Monday a State Supreme Court Judge granted the full stay during the state’s appeal. So […]

Could High Falls become a state park? Yep! It looks like it may actually happen. High Falls State Park is going to be a multi-year, multi-phase effort to create the State Park. The park will not be easy to build because of the contamination. Before building the park, there would have to be a massive […]

Local health leaders are concerned about the shortage of blood donations and are asking for donors to help. The reason for the low blood supply is there are fewer donors and due to the pandemic there have not been as many blood drives held. The American Red Cross is encouraging people to donate blood by […]

If you are an attorney looking for work in Monroe County the Monroe County Public Defender position is open. The County is searching for qualified candidates to fill the position of Public Defender. This comes after Timothy Donaher announced last year he will not seek another term. The Public Defender position is a two-year term […]

Monroe County is updating its guidelines for COVID-19 to align with the CDC’s new recommendations for shorter COVID-19 isolation. The new state and federal isolation protocol shortened from 10 to 5 days for those who test positive for COVID-19. After five days of isolation, the individual must wear an N-95 mask. If you test positive […]

The Rochester City School District is going to remote learning starting on Thursday. The district plans to return to in-person learning on Jan. 11 but will give an update by noon on January 10th. Not enough staff and substitute teachers to continue in-person learning is the reason RCSD is switching to remote at this time. […]

In Rochester Covid-19 numbers continue to rise and NY Governor Kathy Hochul was in town to hold a briefing. The positive cases here in Monroe County on Monday were 1,171 which are due to a “backlog” from the holidays. Gov. Hochul started her briefing off by saying “we are not in a good place…” She […]

Governor Kathy Hochul announced there is help available for low and middle-income families for heating this winter.  There is $90 million available in federal funding for home heating this year. Homes that use natural gas for heating could get $465 if you are eligible. If you use kerosene, oil, or propane you may be eligible […]

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