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House Passes A Bill To Make Sure The Post Office Stays Afloat

Written by on August 24, 2020

Yesterday, the House of Representatives held a Saturday session and passed a piece of legislation that would help the Postal Service by reversing the changes that are causing their hardships. They also allocated $25 billion to make sure they would be all set for the November election.

Many Republicans are calling the act a stunt and President Donald Trump sent in a no vote, committing to his stance against the mail-in ballots that are expected to happen in much greater numbers, due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Although the bill passed 257-150, Republicans and Democrats are at odds over the decision.

Nancy Pelosi is quoted, saying:

“Don’t pay any attention to what the president is saying, because it is all designed to suppress the vote.”

Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., the chair of the Oversight Committee and author of the bill, said:

“The American people don’t want anyone messing with the post office. They just want their mail.”


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