Married Couple Almost Got Away With A $1.5 Million Dollar Scam

Written by on June 29, 2020

A married couple from Virginia are facing wire fraud charges after lying to get Federal money from the government that was meant to help businesses that struggled during the coronavirus pandemic.

According to report  Monica Jaworska and Tarik Jaafar were able to pull off a $1.5 million dollars scam after filing for 18 different loan applications under the federal paycheck Protection Program.
The police were able to catch up with the couple if I bought a one-way ticket out of the country and was met by the feds at JFK Airport.
Now out of the 18 applications they filled out they were only approved for four of the loans which added up to $1.5 million dollars.
When will people understand you cannot beat the system especially when you playing with that type of money.

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