City Offices Begin To Re Open During Phase 3

Written by on June 16, 2020

On Sunday, Mayor Lovely Warren announced that some of the offices in city hall will be re-opening and seeing customers starting Monday, 06/15.

The offices will be operating with social distancing guidelines in place and will only be open during specific hours and days.

In a press release, the Mayor said:

“As the City of Rochester continues to move through the phased re-opening in Gov. Cuomo’s NY Forward plan, we will make every effort to methodically expand the scope of our service delivery to meet the needs of every customer while keeping our employees and visitors safe and healthy outstanding customer service is the hallmark of our operations and a vital component of our efforts to provide more jobs, safer and more vibrant neighborhoods and better educational opportunities.”

Details of the press release and which/when offices will be open can be found here.

City of Rochester

Current track

