Xylazine ( Zie – Luh – Zeen) In The Drug Supply

Written by on October 21, 2023

A dangerous sedative called Xylazine has been found in powder heroin/fentanyl mostly, and sometimes coke and meth. Xylazine is also known as horse tranquilizer, and is extremely harmful. Xylazine causes really bad skin ulcers when injected, possible life threatening drop in your blood’s ability to carry oxygen to tissues, and other symptoms include high blood pressure, less bladder control; tiredness all the time; slower reflexes; trouble swallowing; and a really dry mouth.

Harm reduction tips: get your drugs tested at a harm reduction program, never use alone, try to be in a comfortable seated position that doesn’t cut off circulation to arms or legs, eat foods high in iron, and it is also noted that some harm reductionists think it may be safer to sniff/smoke dope with Xylazine (the harm of this isn’t known).

Overdose: if someone is unresponsive, it’s important to see if they are breathing! If they are taking 10 breathes each minute, keep an eye on them for the next hour. Naloxone isn’t needed unless their breathing gets slower. Naloxone doesn’t work on Xylazine BUT will help if the opioid/fentanyl is making it hard for them to breathe.

*Important*: dope with Xylazine is sometimes darker, browner, chunkier, flakier, and has a weird smell.  However, dope that appears normal (white powder) can still contain xylazine.

Wounds and Wound Care Tips: Xylazine wounds can takes months or years to heal, and may need medical care. Wounds can get goopy/yellow/red/swollen and tend to be very painful. . If the wound gets necrotic (dead black tissue) go to an emergency room ASAP!!! The first step is cleaning the wound and removing some of the dead tissue, you may need skin surgery.

The knowledge regarding Xylazine is little, however it is very important to stay educated. You can get free drug checking kits through this anonymous mail – service https://streetsafe.supply, and the 27/7 Never Use Alone Hotline is, 800-484-3731. Stay Safe!


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