#WellnessWednesday Exercise Your Brain, Increase Your IQ

Written by on September 2, 2020

During the Covid19 Shutdown, we’ve all had some extra time to try new things. I’ve personally started to play brain games to power up my IQ. The first step is to acknowledge what you don’t know. Take a free IQ test and check out my new favorite brain game that may help you on your journey to a healthier mind and body.

The average person has an IQ of 100. I took this free intelligence test  a few days ago and answered 9 out of the 10 questions correctly. I would have got the last question right as well but I second guessed myself and chose the wrong answer lol.

Although this is a timed test, do not rush through it. Read each question thoroughly and study each illustration before committing to an answer. The answers may not be obvious to you at first, but once you study the patterns and follow the logic, you will come up with the best answer!

Taking this test is actually a brain exercise because it creates and strengthens neural pathways and networks. This helps make your brain stronger.

Take the free test here. 

The other thing that I do to exercise my brain is play word games.

You may have noticed that older people love to do the crossword in the local news paper. This not only exercises your memory, but increases your vocabulary as well.

As a millennial, I have never had a subscription to a newspaper or purchased a crossword puzzle book, but I did download a free app on my phone.

Word Collect is a game that offers daily challenges and an opportunity to join a league with others. There are a few ways to earn free coins that allow you to gain hints, but try not to “cheat”. Challenge yourself!

Word Collect gives you between 4 and 6 letters and you have to create as many words out of those letters as possible. At first I found this extremely challenging, but as I continue to practice, words come to mind quicker and quicker.

The calming music helps me relax, and I get flooded with endorphins every time my IQ score rises within the app.

Give it a try! 


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