Urban League Trains Businesses to Combat Institutional Racism

Written by on February 4, 2024

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WROC) — The Urban League of Rochester has launched INTERRUPT RACISM, an anti-racism training program for local businesses committed to fostering an equitable work environment. This initiative seeks to identify and address policies or behaviors that obstruct diversity within organizations. Dr. Candice Lucas, the Senior VP for Equity and Advocacy at the Urban League, emphasizes the program’s role in unveiling systemic inequities that might be unknowingly present in organizations. The year-long program, which kicked off in 2024 with 15 participating organizations involving 100 individuals, involves a comprehensive assessment of policies, recruitment, retention practices, and external perceptions to enhance organizational diversity. Dr. Lucas highlighted the program’s significance in combating community racism, referencing the heightened awareness of racial inequities during the 2020 COVID crisis and following the deaths of George Floyd and Daniel Prude. The program encourages organizations to form a change team representing various organizational levels to ensure a wide range of perspectives in creating a more equitable and anti-racist Monroe County. According to Lucas, one organization increased its staff diversity from five to twenty-five percent after completing the program, showcasing the program’s potential impact.

Source: WROC

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