The World Heath Organization Says We Will Social Distance Through 2021

Written by on January 13, 2021

We are still battling COVID-19 and will continue through 2021. As we work through the year we will still have to social distance and wear masks. I know it’s not what we truly want to hear but this is where we are at globally. We have to appreciate our loved ones and let them know you love them. We have to try to be grateful for every moment and frankly every breath we are blessed to breathe.


I am optimistic that we will have a better year however we have to be smart and take COVID-19 seriously. The reason I say this is because the World Health Organization has announced we will continue to social distance and wear masks through 2021.

Dr. Soumay Swaminathan the WHO’s chief scientist said at a brief meeting on Monday “Even as vaccines start protecting the most vulnerable, we’re not going to achieve any levels of population immunity or herd immunity in 2021.”  Dr. Swaminathan also said, “even if it happens in a couple of pockets, in a few countries, it’s not going to protect people across the world.”

This is not news many across the globe want to hear but this is the reality we face. Some concerts and festivals in the U.S. that were scheduled for the summer of 2021 have been postponed until 2022.

We will get through this but we need to work together and wear your mask!

Stay safe.

Source: ABC News

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