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Written by on February 10, 2020

This is what I’ve been thinking about lately- lying.

Initially, the purpose of the lie is to manipulate perspectives in order to control perceptions.
The lie works best when creating a strong core belief. From the core comes the perception of reality. When presented with anything that doesn’t correlate with that perceived reality, the new information is not accepted. The believer now feels extremely uncomfortable with what could be the truth. It probably is. SMH This is hilarious… but, are you laughing?
If there was no belief in the lie being told, the manipulation system loses merit and has no purpose for the receiver. If the lie is not received (fully accepted) , the liar may go on telling more lies. It’s all a big waste of time.
Be a great liar or just tell the truth. One or the other ↔️ Be good at it or be GOOD because there’s so much confusion without fulfilling solutions in between.
Man, I’m trippin’ – Atu and I’m out✌?

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