The First Rochestarians Began Getting The COVID-19 Vaccine Yesterday

Written by on December 22, 2020

On Monday, residents and staff at local senior homes were among the first in our community to get the vaccine administered.

Becky Cavellier, a Physical Therapy Clinical Coordinator at the Jewish Senior Life home in Brighton had this to say:

It was pretty easy, filled out paperwork the shot took like 5 seconds, it didn’t hurt,” she said. She’s looking forward to opportunities the vaccine could open up for her practice down the road. “We do a lot in their room, so from a therapy standpoint a vaccine would protect our patients, allow them to not be confined to their room while walking, walk farther distances, walk outside.”

The second dose of the vaccine comes 21 days after the first injection.

Pharmacists from CVS pulled up to administer the vaccination, according to Michele Schirano – administer and RN of the Jewish Home:

“They came unpacked all the supplies, PPE, the vaccine, they had to let it get to room temperature took a little bit longer than anticipated,” she said.

“Ten cars pulled up in front loop, over 12 pharmacists,” said Schirano. “We screened them all, brought them into our room for our adult day-care program, which is a very large space set up for social distancing and lines. This for employees.”


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