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The Family Of Daniel Prude Has Filed A Civil Rights Lawsuit Against RPD

Written by on September 9, 2020

A civil rights lawsuit against the Rochester Police Department, Former Police Chief La’Ron Singletary & 7 police officers has been officially filed by the family of Daniel Prude.

The officers, Mark Vaughn, Troy Taladay, Paul Ricotta, Francisco Santiago, Andrew Specksgoor, Josiah Harris, and Sgt. Michael Magri are currently suspended from the force with pay.

The lawsuit involves the alleged cover up of the murder and the family is requesting a trial by jury.

The suit also demands:

-Award appropriate compensatory and punitive damages.

-Award appropriate declaratory and injunctive relief, including appointing a federal monitor to oversee necessary reforms of the Defendant CITY’s process for investigating incidents where RPD Officers use force, and implementing measures to ensure that officers who use force without justification are disciplined.

-Empanel a jury.

-Award attorney’s fees and costs pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1988;

-Award such other and further relief as the Court deems to be in the interest of justice

As well as:

-RPD’s Major Crimes Unit continued to investigate the incident and on April 27, 2020, issued its report and concluded that the officers involved did not commit a crime. This was after the medical examiner’s report ruled the cause of death a homicide, and this meant that the officers faced no disciplinary action until after the video of the body camera footage was made public by his family over five months after the incident.

-Three of the officers suspended for Prude’s death have refused to sit for an interview with the Attorney General’s office for the investigation.

More information on the lawsuit can be found here.

City Newspaper

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