Voter Fraud

Things happening that we must pay close attention to across the country. This one is voting. Across the United States, Republican lawmakers have introduced bills that would restrict voting. This is pretty much backlash from this past election and they are still claiming voter fraud. I’m just going to say it. They are trying to […]

Whew! Can we call today fact check Monday? The first Monday of the new year and we are starting off with facts, lots and lots of facts. Georgia’s top election official Gabriel Sterling came with receipts BIG receipts today. This has to be one of the most thorough jobs anyone has done yet to debunk […]

On Thursday, President Trump signed an executive order that aims to limit the rights of private tech companies like Twitter and Facebook, after Twitter placed a fact checked label under two of his tweets this week. The tweets claimed that casting ballots by mail allows for voter fraud, when in fact both Republican and Democratic […]

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